In this fallen world, our mission is to show love to our neighbors. At Mission Bithlo United, we have come together to serve our neighbors in need, being the salt  and light on earth (Matt. 5:13-16) We are “answering the call” as Christians to leave the comfort of our homes and churches, and we have chosen “to be a church outside the church”, The   streets and our neighboring communities are our missionary field.

  We serve and share with those who live in need or lack shelter, food and who are often prisoners of some addiction.  

At Mission Bithlo we come United as followers of Crist to show love and compassion to our neighbor just as taught by Jesus, by establishing a bond with our neighbors through providing them with the essentials to live, food, water, clothing, shoes, blankets and hygiene kits, always in the name of Jesus; we share the message of salvation and pray for one to others.

  United with other multiple organizations in central Florida, kind benefactors and our church, we help our neighbors, and we welcome many into our lives, while we ask to the Holly Spirit to transform our lives. It is not about us but about what God wants and can do through us.